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International Black Sea Transport-the place for effective meeting of participants of transport market
  Date:12/16/10  |  From:transportweekly  |  Click:

In Odessa in October 19th-21st, 2011 International Black Sea Transport Forum opens its doors and there will be presented following events: XIII International exhibition on transport and logistics «TransUkraine 2011», and also some specialized exhibitions: «Commercial and municipal transport 2011», «TransRail Ukraine 2011», «Warehouse technologies 2011» and the conference on transport and logistics "Transit potential of Ukraine. Effective infrastructure and logistics on transport in South-East European countries".
The events is held under support of Ministry of transport and connection of Ukraine. Besides, exhibitions and conference on transport and logistics were included into the Working program of BSEC activity. The event is also supported by the Ministry of Connection of Estonia, Kazakhstan, Ministry of transport and communication of Lithuania, Ministry of regional development and infrastructure of Georgia, the International Association of ship-owners of Black Sea, Association of Ukrainian ports "Ukrport", International Association of dangerous cargoes and containers(Russia), Ukrainian logistic Association, Black Sea Regional Association of Shiprepairers (BRASS), "UkrShipProm" Association, Danube Commission, Black and Azov sea ports Association (BASPA), International government Commission TRACECA, European Commission of Transport of Ukraine, Odessa regional government administration, Ukrainian league of logistics and warehousing.
Transport complex development is one of the most important directions of Ukrainian economy. The International Black Sea Transport Forum 2010 and all its events made a significant output into this branch development. The international exhibition "TransUkraine 2010" gathered leading companies of Ukraine, Russia and abroad and confirmed its status of the biggest exhibition of the region. There was presented an exposition of commercial, special vehicles, trucks, buses, spares, road-building technic, equipment, special technic and many others. For three days of the exhibition participants and visitors were involved into the exhibition process were there was a demonstration of technics, presentations and other events within the framework of business program

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