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Shipping rates to Hawaii to rise again next month
  Date:12/28/10  |  From:abc4  |  Click:

Rates for shipping to Hawaii are set to rise again next month, the latest upswing in charges that in total have increased the cost of shipping to the islands by 50 percent since 2003.

A Hawaiian newspaper reports that in the same period, Honolulu's consumer price index has risen 27 percent.

An estimated 80 percent of what is consumed in Hawaii is imported, and 98 percent of that comes by sea.

Both Matson and its lone mainland shipping competitor Horizon Lines recently announced identical increases in their shipping rates effective January 2nd.

The shippers will raise their ocean freight charge, or base rate, by an average of 3.8 percent. The terminal handling charge, which is a flat rate, will increase by 19.4 percent

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