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Freight Forwarders And Container Terminal Operators Join Forces
  Date:01/05/11  |  From:handyshippingguide  |  Click:

After what can only be described as a somewhat hostile relationship between the country's freight forwarders and port terminal operators in recent months, it seems communications between the two groups appear to be thawing following an olive branch offered by representatives of the forwarding and customs broking communities.

The recent rows have caused bad blood between the two sides of the logistics supply chain with accusations of self interest, and worse, being bandied about by both sides in the past but now it seems that there is mutual agreement that the customs clearing agents and container and bulk terminal operators need to cooperate in a difficult market.

After cutting cargo handling charges by a third in 2006 the terminal operators have been unable to return to previous levels of profitability and, with a downturn in cargo volumes forwarders have also felt the pinch. Now the Government has lifted the import ban on certain items, furniture, cassava and textiles for example, but imposed swingeing duty rates instead, both cargo handlers and freight forwarders foresee a chance to increase revenue, and have switched their criticism to government controlled security agencies at ports, airports and border crossing points.

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